Strawberry Scones with Sweet Lemon Glaze

Strawberry Scones with Sweet Lemon Glaze

As a little girl, the height of fanciness was a tea party.  There would be biscuits and scones and delicate teacups and saucers and sugar bowls.  Somewhere in this house, there are pictures of me at my very first tea party.  Picture it.  The year was 

Double Banana Layer Cake with Creamy Banana Frosting

Double Banana Layer Cake with Creamy Banana Frosting

I think cake is one of the only things that I like nearly as much as bread.  However, unlike my 14 year-old self, who loved anything sweet and thought nothing of eating directly from a tub of chocolate frosting, these days I prefers that my 

Sour Cream Cheese Cake

Sour Cream Cheese Cake

When I announced that I was making a sour cream cheese cake, the Beard was apprehensive.  Concerned, he tells me “I’ll try a bite.”  I, having only tried cottage cheese for the first time less than a week earlier, was less apprehensive, but still preparing for 

Candied Bacon Buns With Maple Glaze

Candied Bacon Buns With Maple Glaze

There’s just something about cinnamon rolls. Their warm, gooey centers, filled with the buttery spice of their namesake, sweet icing melting off the tops of the rolls to be licked off of your fingers, it’s everything you could need in a breakfast (or dessert, or 

Boston Cream Cupcakes – The Just Right Cupcakes

Boston Cream Cupcakes – The Just Right Cupcakes

I’ve been on a baking kick lately.  Not that there’s anything wrong with baking, but I think the Beard worries this will turn into a dessert blog.  While I was craving something sweet after making his birthday cake, I really wanted to do cupcakes, because 

Nanny’s Overnight No-Bake Cookies

Nanny’s Overnight No-Bake Cookies

I don’t know where this recipe originated.  One summer, when I was around 11 years old, my Nanny started making them, calling them overnight cookies.  Until that point, I’d never seen a white cookie that wasn’t slathered in some sort of icing.  My experiences with